Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Kota Gunugnsitoli

Kota Gunungsitoli

Kota Gunungsitoli
Lambang Kota Gunungsitoli

Lokasi Sumatera Utara Kota Gunungsitoli.svg
Peta lokasi Kota Gunungsitoli
Koordinat: -
Dasar hukum
UU Nomor 47 Tahun 2008
26 November 2008
 - DAU
Rp. 251.781.376.000,-[1]
280,78 km²
 - Total
118.392 (2007)
 - Kepadatan
Nias, Padang, Batak, Jawa
 - Bahasa
Indonesia, Nias
Pembagian administratif
 - Desa
 - Situs web
Kota Gunungsitoli adalah salah satu kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Kota ini diresmikan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri Indonesia, Mardiyanto, pada 29 Oktober 2008, sebagai salah satu hasil pemekaran dari Kabupaten Nias.

Daftar Kecamatan

  1. Gunungsitoli, Kelurahan Pasar Gunungsitoli
  2. Gunungsitoli Alo'oa, Nazalou Alo'oa
  3. Gunungsitoli Barat, Tumori
  4. Gunungsitoli Idanoi, Dahana
  5. Gunungsitoli Selatan, Ononamolo I Lot
  6. Gunungsitoli Utara, Afia

Batas Wilayah

Daftar Kecamatan

  1. Gunungsitoli, Kelurahan Pasar Gunungsitoli
  2. Gunungsitoli Alo'oa, Nazalou Alo'oa
  3. Gunungsitoli Barat, Tumori
  4. Gunungsitoli Idanoi, Dahana
  5. Gunungsitoli Selatan, Ononamolo I Lot
  6. Gunungsitoli Utara, Afia

Batas Wilayah

kabupaten nias barat

Kabupaten Nias Barat

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Kabupaten Nias Barat
Lambang Kabupaten Nias Barat
Motto: -

Lokasi Sumatera Utara Kabupaten Nias Barat.svg
Peta lokasi Kabupaten Nias Barat
Koordinat: -
Dasar hukum
UU Nomor 46 Tahun 2008
26 November 2008
 - Bupati
A'A Gulo
 - DAU
Rp. 193.665.081.000,-(2011)[1]
473.739 km2
 - Total
84.181 jiwa (2007)
 - Kepadatan
0,18 jiwa/km2
 - Bahasa
Pembagian administratif
 - Desa
 - Situs web
Kabupaten Nias Barat adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Kabupaten ini diresmikan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri Indonesia, Mardiyanto, pada 29 Oktober 2008, sebagai salah satu hasil pemekaran dari Kabupaten Nias.

Daftar Kecamatan

  1. Lahomi
  2. Lolofitu Moi
  3. Mandrehe
  4. Mandrehe Barat
  5. Mandrehe Utara
  6. Moro'o
  7. Sirombu
  8. Ulu Moro'o

Batas Wilayah

Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Kabupaten Nias Selatan

Kabupaten Nias Selatan
Lambang Kabupaten Nias Selatan
Motto: -

Lokasi Sumatera Utara Kabupaten Nias Selatan.svg
Peta lokasi Kabupaten Nias Selatan
kepala daerah
 - DAU
Rp. 319.188.994.000,-(2011)[1]
1.825 km2
 - Total
275.422 jiwa
 - Kepadatan
150,92 jiwa/km2
Pembagian administratif
 - Situs web
Kabupaten Nias Selatan adalah salah satu kabupaten di Sumatera Utara yang terletak di pulau Nias. Penduduknya berjumlah 275.422 jiwa (Januari 2005).
Nias Selatan sebelumnya adalah bagian dari Kabupaten Nias. Status otonom diperoleh pada 25 Februari 2003 dan diresmikan pada 28 Juli 2003. Kabupaten ini terdiri dari 104 gugusan pulau besar dan kecil. Letak pulau- pulau itu memanjang sejajar Pulau Sumatera. Panjang pulau-pulau itu lebih kurang 60 kilometer, lebar 40 kilometer.
Dari seluruh gugusan pulau itu, ada empat pulau besar, yakni Pulau Tanah Bala (39,67 km²), Pulau Tanah Masa (32,16 km²), Pulau Tello (18 km²), dan Pulau Pini (24,36 km²). Tidak seluruh pulau berpenghuni. Masyarakat Nias Selatan tersebar di 21 pulau dalam delapan kecamatan.
Pada 28 Maret 2005, gempa melanda kepulauan Nias dengan kekuatan 8,7 skala Richter yang melumpuhkan kegiatan pemerintahan dan pembangunan di daerah tersebut. Dari data bupati Nias Selatan, tercatat sejumlah 5.845 rumah warga hancur, juga 274 tempat ibadah, 20 perkantoran, dan 217 bangunan sekolah di kabupaten Nias Selatan. Sejumlah 138 orang meninggal dunia.


Daftar bupati:


Nias Selatan terdiri beberapa kecamatan yaitu:
  1. Kepulauan Batu
  2. Hibala
  3. Teluk Dalam
  4. Fanayama
  5. Toma
  6. Amandraya
  7. Lahusa
  8. Gomo
  9. Lõlõmatua
  10. Lõlõwa'u
  11. Orudua
  12. Maenamõlõ
  13. Mazõ
  14. Hilimegai
  15. Aramõ
  16. Mazinõ

Kabupaten Nias Utara

Kabupaten Nias Utara

Kabupaten Nias Utara

Lambang Kabupaten Nias Utara

Lokasi Sumatera Utara Kabupaten Nias Utara.svg
Peta lokasi Kabupaten Nias Utara
Dasar hukum
UU Nomor 45 Tahun 2008
26 November 2008
 - Bupati
Edward Zega
 - DAU
Rp. 231.858.197.000,-(2011)[1]
1.202,78 km2
 - Total
127.703 (2007)
 - Kepadatan
Pembagian administratif
Kabupaten Nias Utara adalah salah satu kabupaten di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, Indonesia. Kabupaten ini diresmikan oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri Indonesia, Mardiyanto, pada 29 Oktober 2008, sebagai salah satu hasil pemekaran dari Kabupaten Nias.

Batas wilayah

Daftar kecamatan

  1. Afulu
  2. Alasa
  3. Alasa Talumuzoi
  4. Lahewa
  5. Lahewa Timur
  6. Lotu
  7. Namohalu Esiwa
  8. Sawo
  9. Sitolu Ori
  10. Tugala Oyo
  11. Tuhemberua

kabupaten Nias

Kabupaten Nias

Kabupaten Nias
Logo kabupaten nias.png
Lambang Kabupaten Nias
Motto: Datatuwu

Lokasi Sumatera Utara Kabupaten Nias.svg
Peta lokasi Kabupaten Nias
Koordinat: 0°12'-1°32' LU
97° - 98°
 - Bupati
Sokhi’atulo Laoli
 - DAU
Rp. 250.935.711.000,-(2011)[2]
3.799 km²
 - Total
444.524 (2007)
 - Kepadatan
 - Bahasa
Pembagian administratif
439 / 4
Beo Nias
 - Situs web
Kabupaten Nias adalah salah satu kabupaten di Sumatera Utara yang terletak di pulau Nias. Ibukotanya Gunung Sitoli dapat ditempuh dengan perjalanan laut dari Sibolga selama 10 jam, atau dengan perjalanan udara dari Medan selama 1 jam menggunakan pesawat SMAC (Fokker F-50) dan Merpati (CN 235).
Dalam bahasa daerah Nias, Pulau Nias disebut dengan istilah Tano Niha. Penghasilan utama penduduknya sebagian besar masih mengandalkan dari hasil pertanian. Luas lahan potensial mencapai 81.389 hektare yang terdiri dari sawah 22.486 hektare dan lahan kering 58.903 hektare. Namum, potensi yang dimiliki itu belum memberikan hasil maksimal untuk mampu mencapai swasembada pangan. Terbukti, kabupaten ini pada tahun 1999 masih mendatangkan beras dari luar daerah sebanyak 22.323 ton. Tak jauh berbeda pula dengan keadaan hasil perkebunan. Keadaan alam Nias yang subur sangat cocok untuk budi daya tanaman karet, kelapa, kopi, cengkeh dan nilam. Karet dan kopra menjadi andalan utama hasil perkebunan. Produksi karet pada 1999 mencapai 13.624 ton, dan kopra 42.230 ton.


  • Tulisan Tano Niha yang terdapat di lambang kabupaten adalah nama resmi Kabupaten Nias dalam bahasa daerah Nias.
  • Tulisan Datatuwu dengan warna hitam adalah motto atau slogan atau semboyan Pemerintah Daerah Nias sebagai pemersatu untuk lebih membangkitkan semangat dan penyatuan tekad dalam meningkatkan laju Pembangunan Daerah Nias.
  • Buah kelapa dengan warna kuning coklat menunjukkan salah satu hasil bumi utama Daerah Nias, sedangkan jumlahnya yang yang 17 (tujuh belas) buah mengingatkan tanggal Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia adalah tanggal 17 (tujuh belas).
  • Mayang padi dan butirnya yang berjumlah 45 (empat puluh lima) buah mengingatkan tahun Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia adalah tahun 45 (empat puluh lima).
  • Deretan Bukit Barisan yang kelihatan delapan buah berwarna hijau melambangkan keindahan alam Daerah Nias serta mengingatkan bulan Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia adalah bulan 8 (Agustus).
  • Gambar Bintang dengan warna kuning mencerminkan kehidupan kerohanian masyarakat Nias yang bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa.


Daftar kecamatan

  1. Bawolato
  2. Botomuzoi
  3. Gido
  4. Hili Serangkai
  5. Hiliduho
  6. Idanogawo
  7. Ma'u
  8. Somolo-molo
  9. Ulugawo

Daftar bupati

  • Sani Zega
  • Dalimend
  • Hanati Nazara, SH
  • Tal Larosa
  • Yahya Zakaria Lafau
  • Binahati B. Baeha, SH
  • Drs.Sokhiatulo laoli,MM

pulau nias terdiri dari 5 daerah otonom

Nias (bahasa Nias Tano Niha) adalah sebuah pulau yang terletak di sebelah barat pulau Sumatera, Indonesia. Pulau ini dihuni oleh mayoritas suku Nias (Ono Niha) yang masih memiliki budaya megalitik. Daerah ini merupakan obyek wisata penting seperti selancar (surfing), rumah tradisional, penyelaman, lompat batu.
Pulau dengan luas wilayah 5.625 km² ini berpenduduk 700.000 jiwa.
Agama mayoritas daerah ini adalah Kristen Protestan. Nias saat ini telah dimekarkan menjadi empat kabupaten dan 1 kota, yaitu Kabupaten Nias, Kabupaten Nias Selatan, Kabupaten Nias Barat, Kabupaten Nias Utara, dan Kota Gunungsitoli.

Tentang Pulau Nias

Nīas (Indonesian: Pulau Nias, Nias language: Tanö Niha) is an island off the western coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. Nias (Kepulauan Nias) is also the name of the archipelago, containing the Hinako archipelago.
Nias Island covers an area of 5,121.3 km2 (1,977.3 sq mi) (including minor offshore islands) which is mostly a lowland area on average 800 m (2,600 ft) above sea level. There were 756,762 inhabitants on the island (including minor offshore islands) at the 2010 Census.


Location of Nias, Indonesia
It is located in a chain of islands parallel to the west coast of Sumatra; Simeulue is about 140 km (87 mi) northwest, and the Batu Islands are located about 80 km (50 mi) southeast. This chain, which resurfaces in Nusa Tenggara in the mountainous islands of Sumba and Timor, is the forearc of the South Sumatra Basin along the Sunda Trench subduction zone.
At Nias the oceanic plate is being obliquely subducted under the Asian Plate at the rapid rate of 52 mm (2.0 in) a year (Milsom).


Nias is the largest of the islands off Sumatra that are part of North Sumatra province. This area consists of 131 islands and Nias Island is the biggest. The population in this area is about 639,675 people (including Ono Niha – the native inhabitant of the Island, Malay, Batak, and Chinese).
Until 2003 Nias was an administrative regency (kabupaten), part of the province of North Sumatra. In 2003 it was split into two regencies, Nias and Nias Selatan (Southern Nias).[citation needed] Subsequently the island was divided further, with the creation of two further regencies from parts of the former Niass Regency – Nias Barat (West Nias) and Nias Utara (North Nias) – and the designation of Gunungsitoli as an autonomous city independent of the four regencies. Gunungsitoli remains the capital city of Nias regency and it is the center of administration and business affairs of the Nias regency. Teluk Dalam is the capital of Nias Selatan.
Name Capital Area (km²) Population
2010 Census
Nias Utara Regency
(included in Nias Regency) 127,530
Nias Regency Gunungsitoli 3,495.39 132,329
Nias Barat Regency
(included in Nias Regency) 81,461
Nias Selatan Regency Teluk Dalam 1,625.91 289,876
Gunungsitoli * (included in Nias Regency) 125,566
* Autonomous city

[edit] Culture

Villagers in Bawomataluo on Nias move a megalith for construction around 1915
Nias war dance
An old Nias ceremonial shield
Isolated yet worldly, the Nias Island chain has been trading since prehistory with other cultures, other islands, and even mainland Asia. Some historians and archaeologists have cited the local culture as one of the few remaining Megalithic cultures in existence today. While this point of view is hotly debated, there is no doubt that Nias' relative geographic isolation has created a unique culture. As a culture of traders, the people of Nias find tourists to be a welcome – and historically familiar – phenomenon.[citation needed]
Nias ceremonial stone jump.
Nias is best-known for its diversity of festivals and celebration. The most well-known events are War Dances, performed regularly for tourists, and Stone Jumping, a manhood ritual that sees young men leaping over two meter stone towers to their fate. In the past the top of the stone board is covered with spikes and sharp pointed bamboo. The music of Nias, performed mostly by women, is noted worldwide for its haunting beauty.
Gunungsitoli is home to Nias's only museum, the Museum Pusaka Nias (Nias Heritage Foundation),[1] which houses over 6000 objects related to Nias's cultural heritage. The museum had recently built a new building and had improved their storage and exhibitions when the 2004 earthquake and tsunami occurred. The museum suffered some damage to the grounds and collections, but museum staff are working to recover from this devastating event[2]
The predominant religion is Protestant Christianity. Six out of seven Niasans are Protestant; the remainder are about evenly divided between Muslim (mostly immigrants from elsewhere in Indonesia) and Catholic. However adherence to either Christian or Muslim religions is still largely symbolic; Nias continues into current day celebrating its own indigenous culture and traditions as the primary form of spiritual expression.
The people of Nias build omo sebua houses on massive ironwood pillars with towering roofs. Not only were they almost impregnable to attack in former tribal warfare, their flexible nail-less construction provide proven earthquake durability.
Nias is home not only to a unique human culture but also endemic fauna which differ from other areas of North Sumatra because of the island's remote location separate from Sumatra.

[edit] Transportation

To reach Nias, there is a weekly ship from Jakarta to Gunung Sitoli; there were ferries from Sibolga to Gunung Sitoli, Teluk Dalam, or Lahewa every day; before the Asian financial crisis hit Indonesia, there was a daily flight from Medan to Gunungsitoli. This became less frequent following the crisis.
Since the 1998 Reformation, however, transport links on and to the island have become poor. Internally, the road system is in a very bad condition. Externally the air and ferry links are unreliable. There are two ferry terminals (Gunungsitoli and Teluk Dalam) and an airport (Binaka, near G. Sitoli[3]) on the island, serviced mainly from Sibolga and Medan respectively. However, local ferry companies regularly go out of business (or their boats sink), so only one terminal may be active at any given time. Since the 2005 earthquake, transportation has improved to cope with the increase in travel needs for reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts. Susi Air, SMAC, Merpati Air and UNHAS are the airlines that fly to Gunungsitoli.

[edit] Surfing

Nias is an internationally famous surfing destination. The best known surfing area is Sorake Bay, close to the town of Teluk Dalam, on the southern tip. Enclosed by the beaches of Lagundri and Sorake, the bay has both left and right-hand breaks. As they wait for waves, surfers can often see sea turtles swimming below. There are also two consistent, world-class waves in the nearby Hinako Islands, Asu and Bawa. Many lesser-known, high-quality surf spots with low crowds await adventurous travelers.
Nias was part of the famous Hippie trail of the 1960s, particularly traveled by surfers, which led to Bali. Some claim that the waves at the southern beach of Sorake are better than the ones in Maui. It has been the site of several international surfing competitions in the past, particularly before the 1998 Indonesian Reformation Movement.
Despite the storied history of surfing in Nias, international surfing in Nias has slowed down especially (but not specifically) due to the recent earthquakes.[4][5] The situation is slowly changing, however.[6][7]

[edit] Tsunami and earthquakes of 2004 and 2005

On December 26, 2004 the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake struck a few kilometers north of the island, creating tsunamis as high as 10 metres (33 ft). 122 people were killed and hundreds more rendered homeless.
On March 28, 2005, the island was again hit by the 2005 Sumatra earthquake, initially presumed to be an aftershock of the 2004 quake, but now regarded as the second most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Indonesia and among the top 10 most powerful recorded world wide since 1900.[8] At least 800 people were reported dead, with the possibility of more than 2,000 casualties. Hundreds of buildings were toppled and many thousands of people were made homeless. In 2007, almost two years after the earthquake, there were still tens of thousands of internally displaced persons living in camps throughout Nias.
Nias's coastline has changed markedly with the tsunami and earthquake.[9] In some areas, the coast has moved over 50 m (160 ft) inland. In other areas, as much as a further 100 m (330 ft) of land is exposed from the sea. The uplift of land has been recorded as being as much as 2.9 m (9.5 ft).
Following the earthquake, many international aid agencies have moved in to assist in rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts. Oxfam, International Aid, Giving Children Hope, Save the Children Fund, World Vision, Surf Aid, Safe Harbor International and Caritas International are some of the international NGOs represented in Nias. UN agencies represented include UNORC, UNDP, UNICEF, UN-Habitat, WFP, IOM and UNIDO.

[edit] Gallery